About Me

Sepehr Rahmani

Experience & Accomplishments

Thanks to a variety of research internships, I gained a lot of experience which always helped me in approach new challenges.  Furthermore, I  also gained experience by working as a supervisor in many different internships in the teaching of medical, dental, chemistry, biology and biochemistry students. In combination with my mentioned research expertise I developed a perfect understanding in coordinating and managing myself and other in the lab. I have already accomplished a variety of internships, for instance in the Ahmadian Group at the Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf. Additionally, I accomplished an five month internship at the Institute for Molecular Cancer Research in Zurich in the Weber group. For my master thesis, I developed a bioinformatical pipeline to enhance cancer diagnostics in the Molecular Tumor Profiling department under the supervision of Dr. Martin Zoche at the university hospital of Zurich. Besides the daily work in the laboratory I enjoy playing football. During my entire life I had the opportunity to get an insight into different areas of world of football, for instance as referee. Since the start of my studies, I am also a member of the cup winning university team Glashoch Rangers. Get in contact with me to receive more information!


The Weber Group at the Institute of Molecular Cancer Research (IMCR) and the University hospital Zurich, Switzerland
The Ahmadian Group at the Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf, Germany
The Molecular Tumor Profiling (MTP) group under the supervision of Dr. Martin Zoche at the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland


I graduated in biochemistry with a focus in bioinformatics and I have the ambition to learn new things everyday and gain more experience! Please contact me if you are interested in further information about my research and experiences.